Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Create Task Expectations

1.  We need to submit a video of the program running, The written responses about our program answering all the questions, and the code of the program itself.

2.  Two difficulties or 2 opportunities or 1 each you encountered during the writing of your program.. Then you need to answer how they were resolved and one part of the program which was designed independently and not from someone/somewhere else.

3. We need to include an algorithm with 2 or more algorithms inside and it should integrate math/logic concepts to create a new algorithm. We also need the purpose of the algorithm and how how the algorithm achieves its purpose. It should also describe how the 2 algorithms work independently or together to create a new algorithm.

4. Includes math/logic concepts and should help reduce the complexity of the program. The purpose of the abstraction and how it was developed for that purpose. How the abstraction handles the complexity of the program and how does it work to make it less complex or how the program would be like without the abstraction.

5. Not exceed 1 min in length and not over 30 Mb in size.

6.  PDF document only.

7. At the end in 2e.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


This program in Python is using a function defined as greeting which is printing out the greetings for me for every person I have entered in the greeting list. This reduces the complexity of the program because instead of me having to print out a greeting for each single person this function is doing it for me. It also makes it easier to understand what the code is doing because it makes it shorter and overall makes it easier to read for anyone so they could understand what the program is doing. Even though this is just a small program it can be expanded for other things as well other then greetings where then I could have more abstractions and reduce complexity for a bigger program.

Monday, February 6, 2017


This algorithm is very important to the program because this is what is getting the input from the users and asking how many days are in the month. Then asking for the pennies on the first day using this info the while loop will then get those pennies and multiply by 2 each time for that amount of days. Later this is converted into dollars but this algorithm is the main part of the program that lets the user input and calculate for them. The purpose of this was from the course we took last year where this was one of the problems we had to figure out how much money would the user have if the pennies multiplied by 2 every day from the original amount.

Create Task Ideas

I would like to write a code that would add to cart a shoe on or something to check the stock of the shoes from I would probably write this in python and maybe see ideas from others and build upon it.